is a team
of enthusiasts
and pioneers

We are explorers whose goal is to make technology comparable to the universe. With a focus on teamwork, Martistel strives to push the boundaries of technology, aiming for the celestial standards set by space exploration


diamondwe operate
at the intersection
of physical & digital

It provides reliable, advanced intralogistics
solutions ready to operate even in outer space

Our mission
extends beyond

Our drive towards the stars and passion for exploration inspire us to create systems fit for space missions

when science and nature find harmony, Magic happens

At Martistel, we believe true magic occurs when science and natural harmony converge, enabling us to create solutions that are efficient and inspiring


Our aim is to inspire, Connect, & unveil new horizons

Our drive towards the stars and passion for exploration inspire us to create systems fit for space missions


Where seconds count, actions are seamless

Confidence in the reliability of every action is what allows us to be certain of our future forecasts

greatin thesmall

This approach reveals how the small constitutes the great, illuminating the connection between the minutest elements of reality and its grandest manifestations, bridging the micro and macro worlds


Our company was born in the Arabic Desert, and this environment profoundly influences every aspect of our operation: culture, production, worldview, and strategic planning

We are 

Fearlessly, we push boundaries and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth

We explore 

as we move forward in our mission

We take 

in our roots in this region, happily playing a part in its economic development

From the dunes of Dubai to a space odyssey to Mars

Our drive towards the stars and passion for exploration inspire us to create systems fit for space missions

People are
best value

People create robots, and it's the people themselves who we value most — they are our greatest asset

Within our company, we hold human ingenuity and dedication in high esteem, recognizing them as the foundation of our success

Best people
& conditions


For our space mission, we select the finest individuals and provide them with optimal conditions

In our pursuit, we strive to cultivate excellence by fostering our team and creating an environment where their talents can shine

diamondJoin our

We're always on the lookout for talented individuals to bring fresh ideas and new energy to our companyIf you're passionate about making a difference and ready to take on new challenges, we would love to hear from you

